Saturday, September 27, 2008

Alaska in August of 2009

It sounds like there may be several people joining us for this one. Leo (our brother in-law) Ben (the Australian we met on our way to South America), Mario and Fernanda (another friend from our trip) and Tracy (an old friend). If it all pans out, and everyone makes it, it should be a real good time.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Of course - the ten week South America trip starting on September 28th!!!

There will be more info on this trip as the time gets closer. For now though, it sounds like we will be leaving 4 days before Dan and on Oct 6th meeting up with him in Tombstone, Arizona (where Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Virgil and Morgan Earp fought the Clantons and McLaurys on October 26, 1881 at the O.K. Coral). First though, on Oct 4th, Conchita and I will be making a stop at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas to see the Celine Dion show. This is her last year performing there, so why not! I am not ashamed to admit that I am a fan of Celine!!!

After crossing the Mexican border we will head down through Creel and check out the Copper Canyon (this canyon system is larger and deeper than the Grand Canyon in the neighbouring United States, although the Grand Canyon is larger overall than any of the individual canyons of the Copper Canyon system). After that; we really dont have any other plans. Just point the bikes south and off we go!!

Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meeting

Silverton, Colorado

July 12-15, 2007.


This is Ophir Pass in Colorado. Looks like perfect GS country!! I am looking forward to this ride.
This little ten day excursion will be a test for the bike and all our gear (not to mention for Conchita and I as well) to see how it all works and fits before the big South America trip.

June 22, 2007


Weekend ride to the North Country Fair near Slave Lake. This will be the first camping ride on the BMW. We will be hooking up with Dan here and talking about the South America trip.